The Streets of Paris, September 2016

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 16:18.

Charlotte: black cop kills black man, anti-White hatred erupts

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 08:52.

TNO, “Charlotte: Anti-White Hatred Erupts”, 22 September 2016:

Simmering anti-white hatred—generated by decades of controlled media bias and establishment politics—has erupted in in Charlotte, North Carolina, with thousands of blacks roaming the streets attacking whites at random.

The excuse being used this time is bizarre: a black policeman, Brentley Vinson, shot an armed black thug, Keith Lamont Scott, who threatened police as they arrived to serve a warrant on another black man.

There is therefore no reason to attack whites in “retaliation” for the shooting—but this fact has not stopped anti-white hatred erupting across the city, as the “Black Lives Matter” narrative, pushed and endorsed by the media and corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton has created the completely mythical idea that white police officers randomly gun down blacks at will.

As a result of that relentless 24×7 hate propaganda, any shooting involving police in America is automatically presumed by the low IQ black masses to be another example of “white racism.”

For example, the brother Keith Lamont Scott, while being interviewed by local TV stations about his brother’s death, told the cameras, “I just know that all white people are f-cking devils,” and that “All white cops are f-cking devils, and white people.”

Invader: ‘I Came to F**k the Women’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 08:39.

TNO, “Invader: ‘I Came to F**k the Women”, 22 September 2016:

A rejected “asylum seeker” from Algeria living in Austria, on trial for an attempted rape in Linz, has told the court that he only came to Europe to “f**k the women.”

It has not proven possible to deport the criminal because Algeria has no extradition agreement with Austria, and the invader is now being “tested for insanity,” the court was also told.

The Algerian invader sits in court in Linz. Austrian law forbids his identification prior to conviction.

According to the Nachtrichten news service
, the attack took place in April this year, when the 35-year-old invader attacked a 41-year-old woman at a bus stop.

The woman, identified in another Nachtrichten report as Timea Lorenz, fought back bravely. After he had pulled off her pants and lay down on top of her, she had bitten him through the lip.

He then punched her several times in the face before running off. Timea suffered severe injuries, including a broken nose, and lost consciousness in the bushes where he had tried to carry out the attack.

Witnesses, alerted by the noise, observed the attacker running off half-naked, bleeding profusely.

Crown Jewel of New National Museum of African American History & Culture: Emmett Till’s Casket

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 24 September 2016 07:04.

SBDL, “The Crown Jewel of the New National Museum of African American History and Culture in D.C.: Emmett Till’s Casket”, 22 September 2016:

There are currently three movies about the saintly Emmett Till in development in Hollywood.

Three movies…

None, of course, will mention the story of his abusive, misogynist father Louis Till, who a judge offered the choice of jail or enlisting in the U.S. Army many, many moons ago. While in Italy, he was suspected in the murder of an Italian woman and the raping of two others: for these crimes, he would be court-martialed, found guilty, and executed by hanging.

Three movies and all three will leave the final moments of Emmett’s father (and the reason for his execution, raping and killing white women in Italy) out of the script.

Minor, inconvenient details barely registering as a worth of a footnote in the hagiography surrounding Emmitt Till. After all, it’s his casket that will find a final resting place in the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C.

A building designed with solely one purpose - squeeze out every last drop of white guilt from any white visitor while simultaneously amping up black rage, hatred, and hostility to living and dead white people (standing as a “rebuke to the world of white marble monuments to dead white men”) is the only fitting structure in all of the United States to house such an important artifact as Emmett Till’s casket.

Right? [Emmett Till’s casket a ‘sacred object’ at the African American museum, Chicago Tribune, 8-19-16]:

The Casket of the anti-white Covenant

Among the most difficult decisions that Lonnie Bunch III had to make as he searched the world for objects to tell the story of African Americans was whether to include a casket that once held the mangled body of a murdered black boy.

  “I remember struggling with, ‘Should we collect that?’ ” said Bunch, the founding director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Even after he accepted Emmett Till’s casket, which Till’s family gave to the museum long after his remains had been exhumed and reinterred, Bunch grappled with the idea of including it in an exhibit. “Was that too ghoulish?” he wondered.

As leaders of the new museum, Bunch and his curators must strike a delicate balance.

Every year, millions of tourists come to Washington to seek inspiration — in marble monuments to the nation’s heroes and leaders, in temples of democracy and civic power. Now, for the first time, Americans will have a museum on the Mall celebrating black pioneers and highlighting the success stories of African Americans.

Excitement surrounding the historic institution propelled its boosters through 11 years of collecting artifacts and fundraising to the tune of $315 million. It will open Sept. 24 with a dedication attended by President Barack Obama and with an invitation-only Kennedy Center gala.

But for such a museum to claim scholarly integrity, uplift is not enough. In the years preceding next month’s celebration, Bunch has had to consider how much of the dark corners of American history to expose. He and the museum’s curators say they are ready to tell what African American historian John Hope Franklin called the “unvarnished truth” of the nation’s racial past. The question is: Are visitors ready to hear it? As painful as it may be, Bunch said, it’s essential that his institution delve into stories such as that of Till, the Chicago teenager who was murdered for whistling at a white woman during a visit to Mississippi — an event that galvanized the civil rights movement.

“You couldn’t tell the story of the African American experience without wrestling with difficult issues, without creating those moments where people have to ponder the pain of slavery, segregation or racial violence,” Bunch said.

But he said he also knew “that this was not a museum of crime or guilt or holocaust.”

No, it’s just a museum built as a “rebuke to the world of white marble monuments to dead white men.”

What’s funny is when you consider the famed, oft-quoted line from Raiders of the Lost Ark, when the Ark of Covenant is described thusly: “The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste in entire regions. An Army that carries the Ark before it… is invincible.”

Emmett Till’s casket is nothing more than a box (whose sterling, seemingly impeachable reputation is built entirely upon a hoax and the coverup of his father’s execution for raping and murdering white women in Italy) that helped galvanize a movement ultimately laying waste to entire regions across the United States: St. Louis, Rochester, Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, Camden, Savannah, Montgomery, Atlanta, Newark, Richmond, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Charlotte.

The only item worth canonizing and displaying in a museum associated with Louis or Emmett Till would be the rope used to have hanged the former, if it still exists.

His mother had wanted an open casket to show what they did ..... a Negro boy in 1955 whose father had been convicted of raping and murdering an Italian woman, who carried the same sexual predatory tendencies - dry humping and otherwise harassing a White woman in the Southern U.S. of 1955.

Why Are Asians Invisible?

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 September 2016 20:38.

, “Why Are Asians Invisible?”, 22 Sept 2016:

Because liberals want it that way.

Every so often, someone in the media or academy asks, “Why are Asians in America largely invisible?” It’s a good question. Almost no one worries about the welfare and identity of Asians–unlike for blacks and Hispanics. You can see this discrepancy everywhere.

The media have plenty of prominent black talking heads who focus on “black” issues–Ta-Nehisi Coates, Donna Brazile, Gary Younge, Joy Reid, Roland Martin, et al.–but there are no prominent Asian talking heads who focus on “Asian” issues.

Black and Hispanic advocacy groups are well known, and always portrayed positively: NAACP, La Raza, and MEChA. Can you name a single Asian one?

In public schools–and I speak from experience–reading lists are filled with sob stories about blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians: To Kill a Mockingbird, Bless Me Ultima, The House on Mango Street, Love Medicine, Black Boy, The Invisible Man, etc. Asians have just one such book that white students must read, The Joy Luck Club.

There are countless books on the economic and cultural status of blacks in the United States. Jonathan Kozol has made a name for himself writing about blacks in public education for over half a century. Books such as The New Jim Crow and Gang Leader for a Day always set off hand-wringing discussions about “what it’s like to be black in America.” One of the few Asian equivalents was Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which examined the rigors of Asian-American parenting.

Much is made of blacks and Hispanics generally. The Huffington Post has a section for “Black Voices” and “Latino Voices” but nothing for Asians, and plenty of other websites are the same way. Bookstores invariably have a section on “African-American Studies,” but only very large or specialized ones have “Asian-American / Pacific Islander Studies.” There are plenty of films and TV shows about blacks, such as Roots and 12 Years a Slave, but Asians have little media specifically tailored to them. Blacks and Hispanics even have their own TV channels: BET and Univision. Asians do not.


British women ‘going to the Calais jungle for sex with migrants’

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 September 2016 19:40.

DM, “The British women ‘going to the jungle for sex with migrants’” 22 September 2016:

- whistleblower claims some aid workers have ‘multiple partners in a day’

Calais volunteers have been accused of having sex with camp migrants

Whistleblowers claim some are having several sexual partners in one day

It is alleged some volunteers are suing the camp as ‘a free for all festival’

Some aid workers said the allegations should have been kept private

Calais aid workers volunteering in the Jungle have been accused of having sex with migrants, some of whom are believed to be underage, according to a whistle blower.

The revelations have caused a furious row on Facebook, with some volunteers claiming the allegations should have remained secret and criticised the whistle blower for expressing his concerns.

According to the whistle blower, some volunteers avail of the service of the Jungle camp prostitutes, while others have multiple partners in one day.

Aid workers volunteering at the Jungle camp in Calais, pictured, have been accused of sexually exploiting refugees living in the squalid conditions according to a whistleblower

One whistleblower revealed the extent of sexual abuse of vulnerable refugees at the Jungle camp at the hands of unscrupulous aid workers, some of whom use the women as prostitutes.

Aid workers have been arguing online over whether details of the sexual exploitation of refugees should have been made public as it might impact the level of donations to the camp

Other aid workers have complained that unscrupulous volunteers are treating the camp like a ‘free for all festival’ and ‘find it difficult to keep it in their pants’.

The original allegations were aired on a Facebook thread concerning the People to People Solidarity group, which has since been deleted. 

It was claimed that female volunteers were more likely to have sex with male migrants than any other combination.

One volunteer was described as having ‘a bad reputation’ for sleeping with male refugees and was asked to leave the camp.

One male volunteer had to be ‘persuaded by other male volunteers’ against returning due to his ‘inappropriate behaviour with female refugees’.

Some volunteers have claimed critics are more interested in maintaining their reputation than preventing further incidents of sexual abuse in a similar manner to the Catholic Church

The whistleblower has prompted a furious row on a volunteering Facebook page

One commentator described relationships between volunteers and migrants as ‘inappropriate’

Another criticised volunteers who did not want to address the exploitation issue publicly

According to the original post, the whistle blower claimed: ‘I have heard of boys, believed to be under the age of consent, having sex with volunteers.

‘I have heard stories of men using the prostitutes in the Jungle too. I have heard of volunteers having sex with multiple partners in one day, only to carry on in the same vein the following day.

‘And I also know, that I’m only hearing a small part of a wider scale of abuse.’

Several volunteers severely criticised the whistleblower for discussing the abuse allegations in an open forum.

However, one volunteer defended him claiming: ‘It always really worries me that we’re more concerned with the press/our reputation than we are with the sexual abuse itself.’

According to the Independent, some volunteers believe sexual relationships between aid workers and refugees is ‘natural’ while others believe it breaks the ‘usual codes of conduct’.

The UNHCR said it has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy concerning the sexual exploitation of refugees in such camps.

However, some of the volunteer groups in the camp do not have clearly defined ‘codes of conduct’, while others complain about so-called ‘independent volunteers’ who are not attached to any particular group. 

Clare Mosely, founder of Care4Calais told the Independent: ‘At the end of the day it isn’t recognised as an official refugee camp, it’s an illegal settlement. So we’ve got no way of forcing anyone to leave. That is the difficulty.’

Care4Calais has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy concerning sexual relations between volunteers and camp inhabitants.

Another volunteer wrote: ‘In my view, most defo beyond inappropriate -  breaches all sorts of codes, highlights massive deficit of integrity, blurs reciprocal boundaries beyond measure.

‘Pretty much no different to sex tourism. This is the sort of stuff that makes others with better resolve, cringe - need to have a rocksolid mindset that separates the camp environment from that of a freeforall “festival” - if you’re incapable of “keeping it in your pants” then consider whether you ought to be there.’

Another contributor added: ‘So the concerns around exploitation of vulnerable people should be ‘kept private’ should they? ‘kept within the group’ .

‘Whatever your feelings on sex between volunteers and refugees it is clear that it is a very important subject to discuss OPENLY.

‘The press is a perfectly valid place to analyse and protect vulnerable people.

‘It is exactly this notion of protecting people that ensured children were abused for years within childrens homes and the Catholic Church.’



Black Insurrection in Charlotte Proof that American Colonization Society Was on to Something

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 September 2016 06:16.

SBDL, “Black Insurrection in Charlotte”, 21 September 2016:

Further Proof the Members of the American Colonization Society Were Onto Something…

Black cop shoots black male reading a book pointing a gun at him.

Somehow, White people are to blame.

Black people riot.

This is what happens when you cede all moral authority to non-whites: you lose your nation for fear of being called racist.

[Excuses are accepted] - It’s the “legacy of slavery, systemic racism, a devaluing of black bodies” or something of this nature.

All of this on the same day Hillary Clinton goes on a black radio show to denounce white police, White people, and all White institutions in America as irredeemable (again, Mrs. Clinton, that’s a word we’ve been using around for quite sometime…).

Obviously, the fact the black father of seven wasn’t armed with a book, but was instead armed with a gun (which he pointed at a police officer) is further proof of the incurable racism of white people since it was - logically - a society overwhelmed with ‘implicit bias’ ultimately denying our latest black-person-killed-by-the-racist-police-turned-flavor-of-the-Black-Lives-Matter-Moment the right to have a book on his person at the time he was callously and coldly murdered.

The future is now in 2016 America, where the old adage of “Diversity is chasing down the last white person” is coming true before our eyes…


Blacks are the greatest liability* in our nation, not some vast, rich, untapped asset. Laws once held in check black dysfunction, but with the civil rights victories of the 40s, 50s, and 60s, black individuals were liberated from being held accountable for their actions, because our leaders (both in private and public sectors) were fearful of collective retaliation of blacks.

The state is now firmly on the side of protecting black individuals from being held responsible for their actions, even as - collectively - black people pull down the very foundations of the civilization white people long ago established on the North American continent brick by brick.

Ferguson, Baltimore, Dallas, Milwaukee, Baton Rouge, and Charlotte: cities were black leaders/black clergy united with the media and the Obama Administrations have united on behalf of black criminals against the civilization white people long ago establish and white cops still foolishly believe they can still maintain some degree of law and order.

There can be no law and order when our elected/appointed leaders believe the ultimate crime in 2016 America is daring to arrest a black person, who by virtue of being black is somehow excused from moral agency… because of ‘implicit bias’ or some other buzz word Hillary Clinton can remember to say.

White man being kicked and beaten in a parking garage, begging for mercy from the gang of blacks assaulting him.

#CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp

* Paul Kersey is known to be insufficient on the J.Q. While blacks should not be looked upon as “OK” and people with whom we should co-exist, as some overly focused on the J.Q. would foolishly insist, neither are blacks “the greatest liability” when compared to Jewish power and influence. However, blacks are an overbearing burden and bio-hazard which can be terribly underestimated not only by liberals, but also by those seeking to place all focus on Jews, perhaps motivated for complete vindication of Nazi Germany - if all the problem is the Jews, and they were that big of a problem, that “justifies” the over-the-top effort, even if it meant the destruction of other Whites and the lack of tact which lead to their own destruction as well.

Blacks may not be “the greatest liability” but the right wing and Jewish project that imposed them upon us is not acceptable, the right wing and Jewish motivation for it was never in our common interest, nor do blacks share common interests, common account and merited cohabitation. Charlotte and lands in the South East U.S.A. (add to that, the Caribbean and elsewhere in the Americas) are simply too beautiful and valuable to grant to blacks - it is not their rightful homeland. They were imposed upon normal Whites and other populations by right wingers and Jewish interests.

Lincoln on colonization

A report by Robert Morgan on the life-long development of Lincoln’s position with regard to the necessity of separatism from blacks.

Black male indicted for strangling death of White woman

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 September 2016 13:44.—33-year-old black male accused of strangling 37-year-old White woman.

The crime occurred in Lafeyette, Louisiana.

Shortly after the homicide earlier this year, reported the details.


Police have ruled yesterday’s suspicious death of 37-year-old Sheree Patin Williams on Conrad Street was a homicide and have arrested her ex-boyfriend in connection with her murder.

Corporal Paul Mouton said detectives were able to place the victim’s ex-boyfriend, Jonathan Aubrey 33, of Lafayette, at Williams’ home before her body was discovered.

Aubrey was arrested late Monday night for violating a protective order. The autopsy conducted by coroner’s office revealed that Williams’ strangled to death, according to Mouton.

Detectives then returned to the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center and upgraded Aubrey’s charge to first-degree murder.

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